Company motto of Ihara is “sincerity”, and, bearing this motto in mind,
we strive to continue being a sincere and trusted company,
a company which is recognized and needed in the world.
Incorporating the know-hows which we have accumulated so far as a comprehensive engineering company for industrial furnaces into our management system, raising the abilities and awareness of all employees, and promoting continuous improvement of the effectiveness of our systems, we continue to provide our products and services to our customers.
We strive to promote our basic viewpoint and make it known as follows.
Going ahead of time when providing products and services
Based on this basic viewpoint, we maintain a quality control system and work hard to improve it and ensure its effective functioning.
All our employees are ready to take the responsibility for quality and work together to promote the following activities.
- Create such a framework in which all the employees are able to understand the company policy, and the awareness is being constantly raised.
- Set company goals each year and for each project in order to implement the company policy.
- Create a management system that can guarantee that provided products and services answer customers’ needs, and allows continuous effectiveness improvement.
- In order to ensure the appropriateness of the management system we perform regular reviews. If necessary, company goals and policies are reviewed and changed.