From industrial furnaces to environment-related equipment.
Bringing state-of-the-art furnace construction technologies to the world.
Furnace-building process is a complex of various technologies such as chemistry, materials, machinery, electrical and electronic equipment, control engineering, and architecture combined.
By adding new ideas to this wide range of technologies, we actively expand our expertise from industrial furnace plants to incinerators and other environment-related equipment.
With its key concept “No border in technology”, IFC (Ihara Furnace Co., Ltd.) strives towards becoming a company recognized in the world for its high technological capabilities.
We are convinced that deepening mutual understanding between different countries and cultures is also our important task.
Offices information
We have 20 domestic and overseas offices.
We provide full support for basic design, construction, and maintenance of various industrial furnaces.
SINCE 1892.
Furnace construction technologies
accumulated for over a century.
Since its founding in 1892, Ihara Furnace Co., Ltd has accumulated furnace construction technologies by handing down its know-hows and responsible construction.
In particular, the technology cultivated through the development and progress of the Japanese glass industry supports a wide range of fields such as steel, metals, chemistry, and ceramics.